OSB Bijlmer – Serieus goed

Advertising / Branding

Open Schoolgemeenschap Bijlmer (OSB) has been a close-knit secondary school with a distinctive approach for almost fifty years. Vmbo, HAVO and VWO students spend the first years together in the broad first year to discover their final level. Not only is there a lot of attention for culture and sports, the school results are also good. Only the growth of new students may increase. So recruiting. Including for the open days in January and February 2020.

A campaign was developed in a striking and colorful style that emphasizes the cognitive aspects of OSB. It shows what makes OSB such a good school and how positive the results are. And what social perspectives the school opens up.

Concept, graphic design, tone of voice, text, video and photography. For a cross-media campaign with promotional materials such as brochures, info cards, a campaign site, outdoor and social expressions.


*This project took shape during my employment at Vechtlust

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